Wednesday, 21 April 2010

One week to go

One week to go (that is, as long as the current bane of world travellers lives-the volcanic ash cloud-does not come back) until I set off on my trip to South America. I will be leaving Heathrow next thursday, spending over 48 hours in the air and on the ground in the-fingers crossed-*lovely* airports in London, Texas, Sao Paulo, Asuncion and Cochabamba.

Why this rather long route? Well Cochabamba is an absolute pain in the arse to get to, in fact pretty much any place in South America excluding Buenos Aires, Rio, Sao Paulo and Lima is a bit of a nightmare to get to, so the joys of crappy movies and airline food for 2 days are something to look forward to.

Anyway enough about the journey. I will be spending my first two months in the town of Cochabamba in Bolivia where incidentally there is a global climate change conference happening currently-best not to mention my enormous carbon footprint from this trip then!

I will be volunteering out in Cochabamba with a local news publication, and staying out there with a local family. I aim to keep you all up to date with my travels whilst out there on this blog.

As for the blog title, it literally is the only Spanish phrase I know aside from your obvious gracias etc I don't expect it to get me very far, but I am doing a Spanish course whilst in Cocha so on leaving the city I hope that my Spanish vocabulary will have improved.

 If you want to follow my journey in South America then follow this blog, I will try and update as much as I can and try and get some photos up at some point too.